The RI Burn Foundation is here for Burn Survivors and their Families. Please take a look at the resources below and explore the different types of support available.
American Red Cross –
This website will help locate information in the person’s immediate area. This is more of disaster relief (house fire, etc) resource, but can be helpful to get them connected with a community resource
*211 –
211 is a resource database for many different types of needs. If someone calls and needs help paying their electric bill, or water bill, this is a great website to send them too. If they do not have internet access, go to it and type in their zip code. This will provide the direct phone number for them to call to inquire about such services.
This website provides listings based on geographical location of therapists who can provide therapy to individuals and families that have the proper training in working with people who have had experienced a traumatic event. When helping someone search for a therapist, please give AT LEAST 3 different names and phone numbers.
The Dougy Center –
This is a grief and loss center that is nationally recognized as one of the best. This website has a lot of helpful resources on it pertaining to grief/loss/trauma
Judi’s House -
This is a grief and loss center as well. This website has a lot of helpful resources on it as well pertaining to grief/loss/trauma
Hospice Foundation of America –
Burn Camps
International Association of Burn Camps (IABC) –
Compassion Books Burnsville, North Carolina
The Dougy Center, Portland, Oregon
The Self Esteem Shop, Royal Oak, Michigan
Brown, L.and M. (1986). Dinosaur’s Divorce: A guide for changing families. New York: Little, Brown, and Co.
Buscaglia, Leo. (1982). The Fall of Freddie Leaf. Charles B. New Jersey: Slack, Inc.
Carary, Elizabeth. (1992). I’m Mad. (1994). I’m Scared. (1994). I’m Sad. Seattle, WA. Parenting Press, Inc.
ldridge, S. (1999). Twenty things Adopted Kids Wish Their Adoptive Parents Knew. New York, New York: Dell Publishing.
Hanson, Warren, The Next Place. Waldman House Press, (ISBN 0-931674-32-8)
Heegaard, Marge. (1991). When Mom and Dad Separate. Minneapolis, MN: Woodland Press.
Hogan, P. (1992). Will Dad Ever Move Back Home? Austin, TX: Steck-Vaughn Co.
Holmes, M. A Terrible Thing Happened: A Story for Children Who Have Witnessed Violence or Trauma. Washington, DC: Magination Press.
Joslin, Mary. (1998). The Goodbye Boat. Oxford, England: Lion Publishing.
Lobby, Ted. (1990). Jessica and the Wolf: A Story for Children Who Have Bad Dreams. New York: Magination Press.
McLerran, Alice. (1985). The Mountain That Loved the Bird. Massachusetts: Picture Book Studio.
Mellonie, B., and Ingpen, R. (1983). Lifetimes: The beautiful way to explain death to children. New York: Bantom Books.
Leonard, M. (1999). How I Feel Angry: An Interactive Book to Help Children Understand Their Feelings. Carlsbad, CA; Penton Overseas, Inc.
O’Toole, Donna. (Books available through Compassion Press, Burnsville, N.C.
Helping Children to Grieve and Grow: A Guide for Those Who Care
Facing Change: Falling Apart and Coming Together Again in the Teen Years
AArvy AArdvark Finds Hope
Scrivani, Mark. I Heard Your Daddy Died. (1996)., I Heard Your Mommy Died. (1994). Omaha, NE: Centering Corporation.
Sheppard, Caroline. Brave Bart: A Story for Traumatized and Grieving Children. (1998). Grosse Pointe Woods, MI: Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children.
Viorst, Judith. The Tenth Good Thing About Barney. (1975, 1988). New York: Aladdin Paperbacks.
Wargin, Kathy-jo. The Legend of Sleeping Bear. (1998). Chelsea, MI: Sleeping Bear Press.
Wilhelm, Hans. I’ll Always Love You. (1985). New York: Crown Publishers. (death of a pet)
American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: Fourth Edition. Sections on Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder.
Bowlby, John. (1982). Attachment and Loss: Vol. I. New York: Basic Books.
Bowlby, John. (1980). Separation: Anxiety and Anger. Vol.II. New York: Basic Books.
Bowlby, J. (1980). Loss: Sadness and Depression. Vol. III. New York: Basic Books.
Bernstein, N., Breslau, A., Graham, J. Coping Strategies for Burn Survivors and Their Families. (1988). New York, New York:
Bronson, M. (2003). Helping Children Heal the Effects of Loss and Trauma After Burn Injury: a guide for parents and caregivers. Available in
English and Spanish through the Phoenix Society website,
Bronson, M. (2002). Helping the Traumatized Child to Reclaim Life. Burn Support News, Spring Edition. Grand Rapids, Michigan: The Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors, Inc.
Bronson, M. (1999). Helping Children to Heal the Psychosocial Impact of Burn Trauma. Burn Support News, Summer Edition. Grand Rapids,
Michigan: The Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors, Inc.
Bronson, M. (2001). Transcending Burn Trauma. Burn Support News, Spring Edition. Grand Rapids, Michigan: The Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors, Inc.
Charkins, H. Children With Facial Difference: A Parent’s Guide. (1996). Bethesda, MD
The Dougy Center. After a Suicide: A Workbook for Grieving Kids. Portland, Oregon: The Dougy Center. (
Edwards, K. (2001). Family Learns Lessons in Coping from People and Animals. Burn Support News, Winter Edition. Grand Rapids, Michigan: The Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors, Inc.
Goldman, L. Breaking the Silence: A Gride to Helping Children with Complicated Grief—Suicide, Homicide, AIDS, Violence, and Abuse. (2001). New York, New York: Brunner-Routledge.
Grollman, E. ((1995), Bereaved Children and Teens: A Support Guide for Parents and Professionals. Boston, Massachusetts: Beacon Press.
Grollman, E. (1981). Talking About Death: A Dialogue Between Parent and Child. Boston, MA. Beacon Press.
Hart, A. (1996). Helping Children to Survive Divorce: What to expect–How to help. A. Hart Publisher.
Herman, J., Trauma and Recovery, (1997). New York: Basic Books.
James, Beverly. (1989). Treating Traumatized Children: New Insights and Interventions. New York: The Free Press. .
James, Beverly. (1994 ). Handbook for Treatment of Attachment-Trauma Problems in Children. New York: Lexington Books.
James, J., Friedman, R. When Children Grieve. (2001). New York, New York: Harper CollinsPublishers, Inc.
Jewett, Claudia J . (1982). Helping Children Cope with Separation and Loss. Massachusetts: Harvard Common Press. 80-81.
Kammerer Quayle, B. (2001). Tools to Handle Questions and Teasing. Burn Support News. Fall Edition. Grand Rapids, Michigan: The Phoenix
Society for Burn Survivors, Inc.
Kammerer Quayle, B. (2001). When People Stare. Burn Support News, Summer Edition.
Malchiodi, Cathy. (1990). Breaking the Silence: Art Therapy with Children from Violent Homes. New York: Bruner-Mazell Publishers.
Middleton-Moss, Jane. (1989). Children of trauma: Rediscovering your discarded self. Deerfield Beach, Fl. Health Communications, Inc.
Monahon, Cynthia. (1993) Children & Trauma: A Parent’s Guide to Helping Children Heal. New York: Lexington Books.
Morse, M. (1990). Closer to the Light: Learning form Near Death Experiences in Children. New York: Ivy Books.
Pynoos, R. S., Frederick, C.J., Nader, K., Arroyo, W., Steinberg, A., Eth, S., Nunez. F., & Fairbanks, L., (1987). Life threat and posttraumatic stress in school-age children. Archives of General Psychiatry, 44, 1057-1063.
Riaaone, L., M.A., Stoddard, F., M.D., Murphy, M. EdD., and Kruger, L. PhD., “Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Mothers of Children Adolescents With Burns”, Journal of Burn Care, April/May 1994. Volume 15, No.2.
Rubel, B. (1999). But I Didn’t Say Good-bye: for parents and professionals helping child suicide survivors.New Jersey: Griefwork Center Inc.
Steele, W. (1994). Kids on the Inside: Looking Out after Loss. The Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children. Grosse Pointe Woods, MI.
Stoddard, F. Body Image Development in the Burned Child. Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 21, 5:502-507.
Terr, L.C. (1990). Too Scared to Cry. New York: Harper Collins.
Terr, L.C. (1994) Unchained Memories. New York: Harper Collins.
Trozzi, M. (1999). Talking With Children About Loss. New York: The Berkley Publishing Group.
van der Kolk, B., McFarlane, A. C., & L. Weisaeth, Eds. (1996) Traumatic Stress: The Effects of Overwhelming Experience on Mind, Body, and Society. New York: Guilford Press, Inc.
Whiting Alexander, D. (1999). Children Changed by Trauma: a Healing Guide. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, Inc.
Wolfelt, Alan D. (1996). Healing the Bereaved Child. Fort Collins, CO: Companion Press.
Worden, J.W. (1991). Grief Counseling and grief therapy: a handbook for the mental health practitioner. New York: Springer Publishing.
Worden J.W. (1996). Children and grief: when a parent dies. New York: The Guilford Press.
You Can Do It!!: Community Reentry Skills for Children, Teens, and Adults With Burns. A video produced as a collaborative effort between Children’s Hospital Burn Center, Denver, Colorado, and The Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors, Grand Rapids, MI